vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009


"Today is going to be bad because the PFY has had insomnia for the past week or so. His game playing marathons have upset his body clock so badly that it has no idea of what time it is anywhere.

Ordinarily, your average garden variety geek - like me, or possibly you for that matter - would cure a bout of insomnia with the hard reset of several more days of non stop game playing and vast amounts of lager. When done properly this leads to a coma-like 12 hour sleep marathon sprawled over the keyboard dribbling like a retard. When done improperly it's much the same thing except it's on a Circle Line tube carriage for half of London to see..."

E super tare tipul.

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

Liniște și pace

Sau nu. n-am mai scris de ceva timp. Muncesc, învăț pentru examene, mai citesc vreo 2 bloguri și mă uit zilnic printre știrile de pe slashdot. Și mai reușesc să și respir. Deci nu prea mai scriu. Până una-alta, delectati-va cu GMail offline.