miercuri, 27 mai 2009

Chef de munca

Cu totii iubim momentele in care trebuie sa scoatem, procesam şi periem x rapoarte. Ei bine, eu ar trebui sa fac asta la fiecare inceput de luna, ca s aam un start bun. Insa, pana pe 14 mai am fost in concediu, iar logica mi-a dictat ca altcineva a facut rapoartele in cauza(de altfel destul de urgente, se zice, doar tre' sa le fac dupa 1, dar nu mai tarziu de 5 ale lunii). Mno, n-a fost cazul, mi s-au cerut d-abia ieri.
Sunt indispensabil ori neimportant?:D

Un citat relaxant, de pe slashdot:
I just assume that any event capable of destroying my ability to transmit said passwords to my successor also destroys any ability to give a damn about my job. Problem solved.

Si fara absolut nicio legatura cu subiectul de mai sus, pentru ca sistemul de programari al dentistului meu e unul revolutionar(programeaza statul la rand), mi-am bagat picioarele si am plecat spre casa. Pe drum am dat peste asta:

marți, 26 mai 2009

Lawlet: Blade
Lawlet: Take +c off
@Blade_Serpent: What are you going to DO if I take it off
Lawlet: Wait until no one's looking, then subject your eyes to the text equivelant of a old man vomiting lucky charms & crayola everywhere, BLade.
T: That script should need two keys at opposite ends of the room and Congressional authorization.

De aici.

duminică, 24 mai 2009

Inca una de pe /.

Uuuhhhhh....I really hate to burst your reality bubble there, bud, but there is a reason why all the Linux servers aren't getting pwned and the Windows desktops are. It is because they have these things called server admins and they are usually pretty damned smart. They are also really anal retentive when it comes to anything security related. With good reason, after all they are getting paid the big bucks to be. Meet Glenn. Say hi Glenn (I'm busy, go away) not a very social creature, Glenn is a Linux server admin. He spends most of his time on security websites and learning about the latest nasty when he isn't testing a new tweak on the test server to see if he can get an extra .05% performance under load. In his free time he enjoys black hat conferences, which his employer is happy to pay him to attend.

Now we are going to meet an average Windows desktop user. Meet Velma. say hi Velma (Hi Y'all!) isn't she sweet? Little Velma works at the local insurance agency. they love her there because she can take one look at a customer and without looking up a shred of paperwork say something like this "Hi Bob! How's your oldest girl? You know she's about ready to get her learner's permit so I've already looked up the most affordable coverage for her. Does she have really good grades? She can get an extra discount if she does" and so on. Little Velma is really good at generating sales. She is sweet and friendly and always knows your name and remembers all about your family. Everybody loves little Velma.

/cue ominous music......But we here in the PC business have a nickname for little Velma, one that she don't know about but is well earned it is....the disaster area! Dum dum dum! That is because little Velma is the trusting kind of sort, and on a computer that equals danger. Let's watch as little Velma interacts with her friendly neighborhood PC repairman, a big but lovable biker looking chap known on the net as hairyfeet.../feet/Now Velma, we have talked about this. you shouldn't mess with email attachments, I don't care who they are from. And if it is a .zip that you have to put a password to open it is a virus and you shouldn't touch it! /Velma/ But my bff Kim sent me this! See there is her name and everything! I'm sure it will be safe! /feet/Velma look, it is an executable and NOT happy puppy pictures! Do NOT run that! /Velma/ Oh, you worry too much. My bff Kim wouldn't send me anything bad. (inputs password, runs .exe, porn popups start flooding the screen while the network gets pounded) ooops. /feet/ ....... [roflposters.com]

And now you have seen an actual demonstration of why Linux is safe on servers. It is safe on servers because it is administered by guys like Glenn, say goodbye Glenn (I'm busy!) and does NOT have any Velma types mucking it up. Say goodbye Velma (Bye Y'all!). If you were to let Velma and all her friends loose on Linux if they didn't break them immediately they would become spambots in no time. It is because the malware writers have already figured out how to use a sinister concept called social engineering to target Velma and her types VERY effectively. Glenn isn't very social (Bite Me!) and is a naturally cynical creature and therefor social engineering really isn't an effective tool on his type. This is why Linux can enjoy the freedom to operate on some many servers across America without the constant malware like poor Velma gets. Tune in next week when we meet Bob, the Windows network admin, also known as the "where the hell is the damned disk?" guy.


duminică, 3 mai 2009

Cu ce mi-am umplut timpul

Păi, într-o lună, am câştigat calificările la un concurs de overclocking, mi-am luat hardware-ul/premiu pentru finală(CPU AMD X4 940 + Asus M3A78-T: quad core la 3GHz şi placa de bază aferentă - pentru profani). Şi aseară am arestat locul 1 în lume în 3DMark2001 la categoria mea.
remus.cursarus 3Dmark 2001 benchmark score